Interventional GI Endoscopy - Avançado


This course seeks to provide knowledge by means of discussions and live demonstrations, offered in practical and theoretical sessions.
These sessions address the following themes: endoscopic accessories; configurations for the use of electrosurgical unit; optimizing the endoscopic procedure for EMR and ESD; how to handle the resection specimen for precise histological evaluation; how to handle complications during and after ESD/EMR.

COURSE DIRECTORS: Guido Costamagna & Nelson Miyajima

COURSE CO-DIRECTORS: Elisa Baba, Claudio Hashimoto & José Olympio Meirelles

ORGANIZING COMMITTE: Bruna Marino, Caio Muramatsu, Gilberto Fava, Flauco Arruda & Vitor Brunaldi

INTERNATIONAL GUEST: Takashi Toyonaga (Japan)

FACULTY: Antônio Carlos Coêlho Conrado, Christiano Makoto Sakai, Daniela Milhomem, Flaubert Sena de Medeiros, Flavio Morita, Guilherme Francisco Gomes, João Paulo Pontual, José Eduardo Brunaldi, Kelly Menezio Giardina, Lix Oliveira, Renata Nobre & Rafael William Noda

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The course is a major success for us, because of the commitment from both the international faculty and the national physicians. It was really a pleasure to organize the course with all of their contributions. We will certainly get better in the coming years, because we have gained a lot of experience, and we will take those benefits to the future. (Prof. Michel Delvaux - France)

Curso com solicitação de acreditação ao Conselho Europeu para Educação Médica Continuada, uma Instituição dos Médicos da União Européia UEMS EACCME®
Consulte o número de créditos CME com o Coordenador do Curso.



InvestimentoR$ 7.300,00

361 dias para o início do curso

Enviar p/ e-mail Fale com o Coordenador


The course is a major success for us, because of the commitment from both the international faculty and the national physicians. It was really a pleasure to organize the course with all of their contributions. We will certainly get better in the coming years, because we have gained a lot of experience, and we will take those benefits to the future. (Prof. Michel Delvaux - France)

Curso com solicitação de acreditação ao Conselho Europeu para Educação Médica Continuada, uma Instituição dos Médicos da União Européia UEMS EACCME®
Consulte o número de créditos CME com o Coordenador do Curso.