Laparoscopic Colorectal and transanal Surgery Course - Avançado
This program is intended as a contribution to teaching laparoscopic colorectal surgery, as it shares practical and theoretical knowledge with participants by providing a series of discussions, demonstrations and surgical cases. The hands-on laboratory experience includes training on live tissue with a focus on surgical strategy, right ileocecal anastomosis and resection, left sigmoid resection with Knight?s anastomosis, vascular approach and other themes. Students will also have access to video sessions, tips and tricks from this field?s most outstanding surgeons.
It is a pleasure to come to IRCAD. Even though I am a colorectal expert, I always learn something during this course, because there is a lot of discussion among professors and participants. (Prof. Frederic Bretagnol - France)

Curso com solicitação de acreditação ao Conselho Europeu para Educação Médica Continuada, uma Instituição dos Médicos da União Européia UEMS EACCME®
Consulte o número de créditos CME com o Coordenador do Curso.
It is a pleasure to come to IRCAD. Even though I am a colorectal expert, I always learn something during this course, because there is a lot of discussion among professors and participants. (Prof. Frederic Bretagnol - France)

Curso com solicitação de acreditação ao Conselho Europeu para Educação Médica Continuada, uma Instituição dos Médicos da União Européia UEMS EACCME®
Consulte o número de créditos CME com o Coordenador do Curso.